Brochures: Creating Effective Content

Sample of a colorful tri-fold brochure.

Following up on our last post about questions to ask at the beginning of brochure creation process, today we’ll talk about how to go about creating effective content for your brochure.

A. Focus on the Benefits

Tell your audience the what, why, how, and where your services or products will be of benefit to them. Provide all the relevant and pertinent details and then convey how the customer or client will benefit by using your products or services.

B. Seek a Proper Balance Between Text and Images

A picture is worth a thousand words. Photographs and other graphics can convey a great deal of information along with relevant text. For brochures, it’s best to avoid long passages of descriptive text. Try to be succinct and let the combination of imagery and text convey your message.

C. Make Your Cover Attractive

Give the recipient a reason to open and peruse your brochure. Ask a provocative question (Tired of Paying Too Much for Internet Access? ) or frame your invitation to open the brochure in terms of the benefits the reader will accrue by doing so (Learn the Six Best Ways to Waterproof Your Basement!). Use professional photography or compelling, colorful graphics.

D. Include a Call to Action in Content

After talking about the benefits of your product or service, entice your reader with a call to action: ask them to contact you for further information, a free consultation, a discount on pricing, a special offer, etc. If your brochure is informational, encourage the reader to save the brochure for future reference.

E. Make Contact Information Prominent

Make sure the reader knows the name of your business/organization and the easiest/best ways for them to reach you. List location(s) address(es), phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, hours of operation, website url, directions or maps to your business, etc. Make it easy for a customer or client to contact you.

If you have any questions about Brochures, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.

Photo by Khanh Tu Nguyen Huy on Unsplash