Printing: Diagonal Wrap Folds

Images showing a diagonal wrap folded piece being unfolded.

f you’re looking for a creative way to up your game with direct mail or general marketing pieces, encasing a card or brochure in a printed diagonal wrap fold is a possibility to explore.

What is a Diagonal Wrap Fold?

A diagonal wrap fold is created by taking a sheet of a heavy weight paper or card stock and, with strategically placed scores, making the paper fold around and encase another smaller sized piece. As illustrated in the image above, the diagonal wrap can be printed in full color on both sides (with any desired added embellishments like spot varnish, foil stamping, embossing, etc.), scored, and then folded to encase another printed piece like (as shown above) a tri-fold brochure. The unfolded diagonal wrap can then serve as a standalone piece on its own.

Advantage of a Diagonal Wrap Fold

A diagonal wrap folded piece can serve, in essence, as its own mailing envelope without the added cost of having custom envelopes manufactured. In addition, the diagonal opening of the wrap is created entirely with folds— there are no extra charges for die-cutting, etc. If used as a mailing piece, the diagonal opening (per postal regulations) would need to be held closed with a sticker, tab, or a rubber adhesive (fugitive glue).

If you have any questions about Diagonal Wrap Folds, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.